ESG: Evolved Software-Defined Storage
|Over recent years, software-defined storage has often seemed to be equal parts reality and hype. Multiple solutions are leveraging the moniker with different definitions, providing value in different ways, and targeting different markets. One segment of software-defined storage technologies is intended to disrupt traditional storage array solutions by delivering (traditional) storage array capabilities as pure software with the potential for significant gains in enhanced flexibility and affordability. Traditional storage architectures were designed for the old way of IT: fewer applications with predictable demand. The exponential growth of data along with demands for data accessibility anywhere at any time are mounting pressure on IT organizations to find a new model. Hedvig, an emerging software-defined storage player, is focused on delivering a new level of storage flexibility and scalability along with the capabilities necessary to supplant traditional storage arrays by moving the functionality to software. The software-defined storage space is still relatively nascent and Hedvig will have to deliver on its claims, but the outlook is promising and with solutions like this one, software-defined storage could become a substantial element of any organization’s storage ecosystem.